Question by eliyahu: is everyone who claims to have seen a ufo a lair/crazy person?
i was doing some thinking about UFOs recently. and i came to the conclusion that no one on earth has ever seen one before.
people say they zoom around; here one second gone the next. wouldn't that mean they've broken the sound barrier their moving so fast? therefore achieving a sonic boom? which makes a very loud noise. and ive never heard a ufo story that describes a loud boom as their flying away. some might say its warp technology, but if they have the technology to fly(warp) from where ever they are to here, and hit us with a beam of light that makes us float to their space ship, don't you think they'd have x-ray technology? and if they do then why would they probe us, or cut us open? people say they have implants from the aliens, which is usually a small bit of metal. wouldn't they have a more sophisticated tracking system? other people say "if aliens have never been here how can you explain crop circles?" i think the fact that crop circles quit being circles and started being fantastic designs is proof enough that people got more creative as time went on, and not proof that UFOs have ever been here. so i guess im a skeptic and am really just looking for people to argue/agree with, but isn't that proof enough that everyone who claims to have been visited by a ufo are really just delusional?
when i say UFO i DON'T mean unidentified flying objects i mean aliens from the depths of space.
What do you think? Answer below!
Many healthy, sane, intelligent people see UFOs every day.
ReplyDeleteA UFO is an Unidentified Flying Object. Many people see things in the sky, and don't know what they are seeing, therefore -a UFO.
There has never been any scientific evidence that any UFO is a spaceship from another planet, or galaxy or dimension.
There have been stories, and conspiracy theories, etc. But no proof. Ever.
Continue to be a skeptic.
I think it would be really cool if we ever were visited by beings from another planet, but it hasn't happened yet.
No, it is not proof that they are delusional or liars. People who say they have seen UFO's are people who have seen something in the sky that they cannot identify. They don't have the ability or knowledge to identify something that they have seen in sky. That's all it means. In over 56.5 years of life, I have yet to to see anything in the sky that I was not able to identify within 10 minutes, and that includes a weather balloon from the Severe Storms Laboratory and military jets flying into Tinker Air Force base 9 miles north of me in the small hours of the morning. I don't stare at the sky when I'm in insulin shock. I'm too busy trying to get my eyes to focus or staring at my nose.
ReplyDeleteThank you for being honest about trying to pick a fight with your rant. I'm not going to report it as a violation of the community rules because you were honest.
EDIT: Stop changing the question when you don't like the answers you are getting. Post another more specific question and lose another 5 points, or shut up up and stop posting a question where you try to provoke an argument, violating the community rules. Once you a post question, there is no "do over" on that question. There is a record of your ISP address and any one who responds to you on the yahoo servers that you can be traced and identified by.
No I saw a black triangle float right over my head without making a sound, and there was a witness with me. I don't think we're crazy...
ReplyDeleteWould it be crazy to think that instead of accelerating to 200,00 G's a craft merely establishes momentum then simply changes size in order to ride its own bow wave?Can not our own science conceive this?A jump room-fiber optic faraday cage?Massing resistance platform?Thermo acoustic atomic hydrogen generator?
ReplyDeleteI would like to interject this ideal: We may actually have concrete proof, however it has been watered down by a myriad of hoax's and mistaken sightings. Many videos of UFO's appear completely authentic. However when you take them in with the hundreds of hoax videos, and mistaken sightings such as film of a weather balloon it would be impossible to separate actual video proof from the others.
ReplyDeleteAlso the discovery channel recently ran a bit about the possibility of previous alien contact influencing architecture, culture and large scale artwork of the ancients.
Essentially, this means in answer of your question: No, they are not all crazy or deluded. But many see something they simply cannot explain, and the imagination fills in the details as the viewer sees fit. It could be they have seen an actual UFO with aliens at the wheel, or the lights of a jet making a turn that would make it appear as if a UFO where making some radical maneuver. There simply is no way to be sure.
On a personal note, "I personally" believe there is absolutely other life in our universe. The universe is simply far to large for our small planet to be the only one harboring life. The universe is larger than our minds can really even yet understand. We're talking larger than anything anyone has ever imagined. What are the odds that earth is the only place where life developed? Those odds are a staggeringly astronomical number. Basically to say, the odds of us being the only life out here are very very slim. And if that is true, then I see it like this: We managed to send men outside our atmosphere and into space to another body in space: the moon. So if we have, surly others have as well. I would wager some have gone farther than us, while some are behind us. Assuming we play the odds, and assume there are such races of peoples: We can assume more than one has visited us. Each harboring it own level of technology. Some more sophisticated, while some "relatively" primitive. I would assume the more advanced the species, the less likely we would ever know they were checking us out.
Lastly, Consider this: What would the agenda of such an advanced species be? To advance that far obviously they are highly scientific. What do our scientists do when researching wild species on our planet? They do there best to observe without disrupting there natural order. Meaning they try not interfere or change the creatures natural cycle of life. Could it be that visitors see us much the same? They make no direct contact in order not to alter our natural prosess of evolution?
Probably just burning up my points here but for a rational explanation of UFO sightings, which is what I think you are looking for, research the writings of Carl Jung. It will help. Somewhere in my library I thought there was a book by him called "the ufo experience" but I am unable to locate it. Hope the included reference gets you on the right track.
ReplyDeleteThere are aliens out there but none ever has or ever will visit earth,we may never even ever get proof that they exist but you can be sure they do exist.