
Friday, December 10, 2010

Are most of the harmful "alien abductions" done by real greys/reptilians or black ops disguised as aliens?

Question by Troll2009: Are most of the harmful "alien abductions" done by real greys/reptilians or black ops disguised as aliens?
In UFology, you have a number of people claiming to have been abducted by real aliens where as others such as Jim Sparks and Whitley Streiber claim that it's a joint partnership between U.S. military (covert operations) and the greys/reptilians, while the last group such as Steven greer and Kathleen Sullivan claim that the whole harmful alien abduction phenomena is perpetrated by Human/military covert operations that dress up as aliens as part of a disinformation campaign. If the last one is true, then we have some really f-ed up people in U.S. covert operations being funded by our tax payer dollars. Please, I would like the opinion from real Ufologist and people that have prior knowledge in this area, thank you

Please leave your comments!


  1. Somebody's been listening to way too much Coast to Coast. Take the tinfoil hat off and come back to reality.

  2. they are done by the aliens we believe to be our gods, such as Hades and Loki and such... i could tell more of the points to make you and others understand it better but there is not enough room for it...
