
Monday, December 20, 2010

chemtrails , a song by beck

google: chemtrails


  1. @dariusaldean10 If you think your *cough*BULLSHIT*cough* opinion is going to stop me from finding the truth you are sadly mistaken. Go do some investigation. Try the NASA appleman chart and the many documentaries.

  2. I cant believe that everything comes with a conspiracy. What a joke. Did you know that 911 was an inside job, did you know that we did not land on the moon? Also we had the technology to create hurricane Katrina and that also, inside job. So obviously the government wasnt to poison its own population,would only make sense,right? I forgot, yes, we are causing global warming, because the earth doesnt have cycles at all....have you heard much about that lately, me either. WTF find a new hobby guys!

  3. @GameChannelification -Disturbing feeling.......i know you did.......but don't worry subliminally your commanded to freak out now so go ahead i wont argue because i know ill always be right about this.

  4. GameChannelificationDecember 20, 2010 at 1:11 PM

    @HanesRoadRon By the way dude one of our gods told me "ya know that michio kaku guy that you told me about jeremy? Well he is partially right....we don't know what happens to you when your thrown out of our universal sphere either but we like to do it to our mistakes we created and yeah the first one of us did show up from a big mysterious...bang.........your spirit sent a message to your subliminal mind cause it feared that.....but you didnt get it because it doubted yetyou felt...a weird-

  5. GameChannelificationDecember 20, 2010 at 2:04 PM

    @HanesRoadRon Yeah the houston polulation calls them cloud makers because theres so many of em that it forms cumuloud cloud sized mists in the sky worthy of a cgi sunset...yeah get realistic.....

    Your left side of your brain is pissed off now therfore your pissed dw your a weed.

    When you die there gonna come up to you and say are you gonna serve and if you ont then off to the southern celestial pole and into the void of our universal sphere with ya to be forever "deleted" ya little mistake...

  6. GameChannelificationDecember 20, 2010 at 2:45 PM

    @husky143 Well i know you wont believe me because i understand how your brain works after all because i know the real people that made it. You didnt fathom that. or that. now you ran a question process subliminally. Your subliminal mind turned to the tv and school and books now. It disagrees and made you disagree. Your not you your just your left side of your brain. Yeah your right handed good job it told you that one too LOL. btw i saw 20 streaks accross my sky in 30 minutes. thats houston tx

  7. GameChannelificationDecember 20, 2010 at 3:18 PM


    oh man...funny guy.......ask a scientist.....haha...LOLOLOL shitthats funny..............damn i really you would believe some random guy if he was a scientist.........LOL.....are you a scientist? you know for sure that your books were correct???.......have you eaten a chemtrail????? don't know because they didnt either

  8. NEW Chemtrail Buster made in less than few is called obolix
    pls check my site and see the video..restore claen air,your own health and help nature to heal itself.

  9. @husky143 We are not fans.This isnt monday night football.Do some actual research.I do see these everyday.I dont think you pay attention to the skies like most.I find it ironic that most who dismiss this havent looked into it.ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

  10. @faxhead79 I think if YOU actually did some research rather than just dismiss this all as dribble and click on youtube videos you will know what is going on.No i will not ask a pilot because these are military planes doing this project and will not get the truth.Do you know the difference between a contrail and chemtrail?Do you remember seeing these lines in the 70s or 80s?I dont!Im glad you put so much trust in the government.Also enjoy the flouride in your water and aspertame in all gum etc.

  11. @faxhead79 Guess what smart guy!I have done research rather than look up some youtube videos about this so called dribble! I live on a ski mountain and i take water samples of the reservoir and up here.Thats what i do!And guess what I found?! Barium and aluminum 60 times the normal amount.So open your eyes and realise the big picture here before you assume that these rants are by people who just click on youtube videos.Wake up !

  12. @HanesRoadRon You're a jackass misinformation artist. You can't deny the truth and what everyone witnesses in the sky. Who do you work for? Die you f'ing trader to the American people! Die!

  13. @70chevynova1

    research is MORE then clicking a few youtube video's and reading some lunatics rants on their website..

    You do some actual RESEARCH get some samples do some interviews ask a SCENTIST ask a PILOT

    There are real conspiracies out there conspiracies of big business , banks government that you should be worried about not this dribble.

  14. Speculation as to what they are or their purpose is bad.
    I do feel that it is a nano particle additive to fuel.
    We as people concerned would like to know what it is, and why. that simple. No speculation.

  15. I can't believe this. We got some die heart fans of chemtrails. I dont disagree with the chemtrail phenomenon, sure it happens but definitely not on such a mass scale that you see chemtrails in the sky everyday of your life. Like common be realistic. Btw stop correcting my misspelled words (whoever that was)...I wasnt turning in a fucking essay for marks..jeez!

  16. @HanesRoadRon please do more research

  17. @husky143 Please do more research

  18. @husky143 Like a good critics, you should ask your self why the planes fly like they do. The patterns tell everyone that it's not tourist air planes?

  19. @husky143 Can you see the curve in the earth at 38,000ft or do you have to be higher?

  20. Everybody panic!!!

  21. @husky143 keep dreaming aviator ur being misled as well asthe rest of us

  22. @HanesRoadRon Do your parents know you were eating paint chips as a child.

  23. @lostinthemix see PM .. see you there little one ..LLMAO

  24. @HanesRoadRon "remember little one" show me how little i am mouth! or is that all you have is mouth?

  25. @lostinthemix still wait on yours.. remember little one I pointed out to you first that no abnormal chemical have ever been found in any trail (do you dispute that)?.. and it is you that make the claim there are chemicla in the trails .. ... but hey ir you really want a sample of what you call "chemtrials" just post you full name and address and i send you a glass of DHMO in the mail ...LOl
