
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Crop Circles: Enigma & Paradox

A visual introduction to the crop circle phenomenon. Presenting some of the most beautiful & intriguing formations, basic stats and a stack of useful links for further research.
Video Rating: 4 / 5


  1. Crop Circles are like Chinese puzzle; you have fun figure out? The Bible explains, the fallen Angels interbred with humans. God created humans, and the Angels. Don't try to explain the Crop Circles without this knowledge base. Maybe some of them were made by Satan, some by God? Satan wants you to believe in Aliens and forget about God. Aliens= fallen Angels. read Luke 10:18 Satan and his Angels are cast out of Heaven and restricted to Earth. Hebrew word for lightening= Barack Heavens= Bama

  2. too many of these "crop circles" are coming off as art projects with each new design being put out to outdo or top the previous creations.

  3. O que dói é ver meia dúzia de manés querendo assumir a autoria

  4. Spirits incarnate, living as humans in our midst; moving openly and freely, yet undetected by the masses, or even their hosts. Like the spasms of a decapitated body, the fact of the matter, thats precisely what it is; if you really think about it. Their illusions are many, which overtake the sleepwalking masses. Now know that they do take flesh and walk among men, to mold a new species.
    It's just a message for the stoke: SaintVeil

  5. satriani is melting that thing!

  6. put 528Hz sound frequncy behind this vid. More beneficial in achieving what the symbols are meant to achive for the human subconscious mind

  7. Sharoon, it seems you're the one who needs to catch up! Crop circles are all man made, they started in the 70s to trick gullible people into thinking a "flying saucer" landed in a field, they got bigger and more complex each year as people got better at making them. There has never been one made before the 70s.

  8. @youstupidmoron some crop circles are made by people, some are not. Probably none are made by aliens. This 'faked by people or made by aliens?' is a false dichotomy. You need to catch up youstupidmoron

  9. Satriani on BG made it cooler ! (Y)

  10. im sure the one at 2:10 is man made. the geometry doesnt look good. the others look real

  11. @1dschamp I din't say it was all wood, boy.

  12. @santarockzzz and the pictures at .24 are made of wood as well ?

  13. Hey idiots! Crop circles are made by people, not aliens! Are you people REALLY that easily fooled? Are you really going to let these idiotic "researchers" lie to you in order to sell you some absolute barbage of a book or DVD? Why don't you ask those anus's to show you an independant lab report! They won't have one because they lie.

  14. dude, look closely to the background at 2:49. IT LOOKS LIKE FUCKING WOOD PPL! this is all bullshit if you just open your eyes.

  15. the music is soo annoying

  16. 2:12 hallway with doors? symbolizing choices?

  17. yeah, they probably do

  18. What if they dwelled in another dimension.

  19. well, that's the definition of "alien"..someone not from here. if they were from here then they would be called "natives".

  20. You are really determined that aliens have to travel from far away?

  21. @bohemenmann so they travelled trillions of miles, hid out here for a while, and *then* vandalized our crops?

  22. Why do they have to be trillions of miles away, they could live on our planet already...

  23. yes, it makes sense that aliens would fly trillions of miles just to vandalize our crops. they must not have Xbox on their planet

  24. Dear friend/s of dvincent9000:

    Thank you so much for posting and sharing with us your amazing and beautiful videos.

    The Designs over the Crop Circles are so interesting and nice.

    Best regards,

