
Friday, December 10, 2010

SHOCKING AND TERRIFYING! Ghosts, Spirits, Demons and More!

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Video Rating: 3 / 5


  1. allora esiste veramente bigfoot !!!

  2. Allora esiste bigfoot !!!

  3. the old pictures they had this problem... some times pictures would be taken on top of each other. appearing as if there was anotehr person behind

  4. halo3videoproductionDecember 10, 2010 at 9:02 AM

    i belive thatwe the people dont have as much freedom as we are suposed to be given. and i belive the gov is controlling are lives. and ur rite we need to stand up for ourself

  5. the V chip oooooooo, well if it stopped things like murder, crime and twattish events then good, but anyway doesnt the FBI tap every americans phonein the states?? i reckon ya lost ya freedom already

  6. dont take my word for it. just wait!

  7. LMAO! Good one. :)

  8. no nothing to hide . its going to be a control factor in life ahead. wont be able to buy and sell with out it.

  9. my ears are bleeding.

  10. Over paranoid I must say, even if the Verichip were to be implimented, we would still have our freedom. Only people with something to hide would be scared of this...

  11. what up with the music?

  12. hippies yey!! they DO exsist :-) everyone has rights for free speach nice video i enjoyed it :)

  13. Sweet... cryptozoology, blurry "ghost" pictures, then a bunch of 1984 BS about the verichip. Excellent video. This deserves a grammy.

    Why do I watch this crap?

  14. First of all how the hell do we know that they want to hurt us!? WHY ARE WE KILLING SOMETHING THAT THINKS WE ARE ALIENS!!! This doesn't prove that they want to hurt us at all this is just a fricken commercial just to sell something! ALIENS ARE PEOPLE TOO! (technically)

  15. I really feel sorry for those who refuse - or don't want - to believe what the NWO is planning for us. Sadly, I fear that the masses will only wake up once martial law is declared and they are herded like cattle into the FEMA camps. Please people, wake up now and fight back!!

  16. is it REAL???i thiNk nO?

  17. your Iq is 211, and you think tou have special powers??? i think youve been smoking some Baaaad pot.

  18. Is The Alien Section in Area 51?

  19. they can take away my pink flamingo, but they can never take away my soul

  20. the chip is real they want to put it in our hands so we are scannable like we to our dogs. If this your second video it's good well done. I belive in the strange. In this vass universe "normal" is not the only combination of live. Look at what happens in cases of imbreeding.

  21. okay vid, if thats really you in the pic your sexy:) ciao.

  22. Maybe you can help me, being that Andros is no longer taking comments. The 2nd song in this video, I know I have heard it, but the name is just not coming to mind. Might you be able to help me?

  23. lol.

    I agree 100% with you. I was freaket out when she was at the door screen window thingy.

  24. Hmm don't you also believe that the "fallen angel" could be a Chupracabra ,Because that video was from the monster hunters series.

  25. Andros Enigma lol the segment with john lol if anyone in there right mind who is not naive can clearly see he is acting and his daughter ariena also was acting too. She did a very good convincing job though how ever the adult actor who plays her father was not as well convincing which hurt the script of believeing it acutally happened. You guys want to view real stories check out my new videos comming soon. To a youtube near you.

  26. i agree with everything you say

  27. Thats cool, was just wondering :)

  28. no it was just this day

  29. But I can see your face on your other re: vids
    eg the Naruto manga 402 response :)

  30. lol Expect more vid responses

  31. You are most welcome, & I thank you for this very nice reply to my video. You sound like a good man, one who also has an open mind. Take care friend, & peace be with you! :)
