
Saturday, December 11, 2010

Is there anyone out there that believe ghosts exist? OR have you ever seen one?

Question by EaglesButterfly: Is there anyone out there that believe ghosts exist? OR have you ever seen one?
There are alot of "hauntings" & I was curious if any one has ever experienced anything crazy or bizarre.

What do you think? Answer below!


  1. i believe in them but haven't actually had an experience


  3. Hmm...Yea they r real..,And i kno this becouse when i was haunting with my dad we were going down this road everyone says is haunted and everyone says not to go down @ dark..Well my dad said ghost aiint real so let's just go i'm like oki..We keep walking get right in the middle and c a little girl and a teddy bear walk right threw a wuz freakin scary as crap...

    Also what do u think Angle's are they r ghost a.k.a (Spirt)

  4. I personally don't believe in them at all.
    I think it's just a hoax for cheap thrills.

    I have seen a little bit of the paranormal, but then again Schizophrenia runs in my family, so it was most likely my mind messing with me.

  5. seeing is believeing..and I havent seen one yet.

  6. actually, the ghost of someone you loved dearly might be around you. or if you are religious, the holy spirit. i'm not sure. there are many mysteries, but this is the hardest i've ever heard, believe it or not.

  7. I am a firm believer in ghosts, I have seen several ghosts throughout my life.

  8. I believe in ghosts if you call hearing a person whisper as an experience and catching strange things on pictures then yes i have had an experience.

  9. I have experienced ghosts, It was a situation where all I can only describe it as was smoke glide through one doorway to another.
    It was a cold night and all the windows and doors were closed in the house so there was no air flow. As the smoke went past a curtain the curtain moved. My friend and I were so scared we left straight away.

    Anouther situation was an old house I rented. The television used to turn on and off at different times of the day. It would happen when I wanted to go to bed. I would turn the tv off and 30 seconds later it would turn on after a while i didn't worry about turning the tv off I would just leave it on. Sometimes I would go to sit down and watch it and it would keep tuning off on me. the timer was always off and it would happen when i was right there. In that same house I would lock up and go to work in the morning and when I got home in the afternoons every single door and window in the house would be open as far as they would go. Strange things happened there but I lived with it. I used to invite girls back from the pub and the strange things that went on used to scare them into bed with me so I used what went on to my advantage

  10. Taliesin Penn BeirddDecember 11, 2010 at 6:59 AM

    I have seen spirits, heard spirits, chatted with spirits and even had rather nasty encounters with spirits.
    So yes I believe they exist, however what they are exactly, I can't say... and to tell the truth I'm not sure I need to know.

  11. Extreamly. And yes they do exist and you will be one some day. BOO! Their are a lot of spiritual beings. But its better to leave well enough alone. Jesus christ is God talk to him.

  12. I have and I also have a spirit in my house. She helps me out, and even though we don't have contact verbally, we talk through cards, playing cards, when you take out the aces of all the suits. the suit spades means no, hearts means yea, diamonds mean why, and clubs mean maybe. I know she isn't evil and she knows me from childhood. It is cool, that there is someone who is looking out for me, she protects me from evil spirits.

  13. Yes, I believe in ghosts and their very existence. Many of my family members have had encounters with ghosts sightings before...especially of departed family members.

  14. Well not exactly a haunting, but on Friday the 13th I'll get some candles (red black gold silver and white) and contact the spirits of the other side. Nine times out of ten, the communicate back, just watch out for the rouge ghosts...they dont like to be bothered. Then another time I was on the bridge(Cry Baby Bridge) on Haloween night and the legend says that if you drive up the bridge, your car will stop and the door opens and someone gets in, and well thats what happened. Although I couldnt see the person, I could feel someone was there.

  15. i do believe in them, i have never actually definitavely seen one but ive had an "experience".

  16. Now, I have to qualify the following story by saying that my wife and I are both well educated, professional people who have completed grad school and enjoy quite productive professional lives. We are also both devout Christians and believers in God. We do not believe in ghosts, which in my opinion, makes the story I’m about to tell that much more disturbing.

    My wife and I recently purchased an old pre-civil war antebellum home on five acres in rural Western Missouri. After purchasing the home, we did some research and found that the house was built in the 1840’s as part of a much larger plantation. The owner, at that time, was an abolitionist who did not favor the secessionist movement in Missouri during the war. According to local historians, although they lived in Missouri, he and his family eventually became the victims of Quantrill's Raiders.

    Now I had to tell you that story so that I could tell you this story. A few weeks ago, my wife and I were at home watching television one evening when our two Rottweilers suddenly became very agitated for no apparent reason. By this, I mean they jumped up at the same time and began growling with their hackles up. Although both are very large dogs, they are normally very docile and obedient dogs that seldom become agitated at anything. So, my wife and I both looked around the house suspicious that someone might be outside attempting to break into the house or vandalizing something outside. Finding nothing, we told the dogs to calm down and went back to watching television.

    Now keep in mind that this is an old house, so my wife and I have become accustomed to squeaky floors and that sort of thing, which makes this next part all the more alarming. About an hour after the first incident with the dogs, both my wife and I distinctly heard what sounded like footsteps coming from the upstairs hallway. The two dogs went nuts and fearing that a burglar was now in the house, I grabbed my shotgun. But, when I headed for the stairwell the two dogs, who ordinarily would have lead the charge up the stairs, instead blocked my path and wouldn’t allow me to go upstairs. Both of them continued to growl and show their teeth as they looked up the stairwell, but would not let me get past them. Finally, I managed to get to the bottom of the stairwell and flip the light switch on, at which point the footsteps in the upstairs hallway came to an abrupt stop.

    My wife and I both looked at each other in amazement as the two dogs charged up the stairs to “patrol” the upper floor of the house. I personally checked every room of the house including the attic. I found all the windows locked and everything just as we had left it and needless to say, no intruder either.

    I don't know what to make of the whole incident...
