
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Any advice re: a program to record streaming radio oon the internet?

Question by RAINWALKER: Any advice re: a program to record streaming radio oon the internet?
I would like to record intenet radio broadcasts,, especialy "coast to coast am".

Add your own answer in the comments!


  1. I'm on Linux and have never used this program on Windows but for years we have had a (cross-platform meaning you can use it on Windows) program called mplayer available at:

    It's for Linux and it's older so while you can call it up with point and click, for real power you need to call it up from the command line. It will allow you to play .ram .ogg m64u and any number of files you can then dump to a file. They have documentation there or you can look it up on the net.

  2. Hello,
    here is the software can help you record internet radio broadcasts..

    Hope it can help you
