
Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Frank Slide Hauntings

Please watch in larger screen and wear headphones for best audio clarity.


  1. I've lived in this town for almost all my life.? And had absolutely no paranormal happenings with the slide. Oh well. :/

  2. I would be inclined to agree with you, except that there wasn't any wind? when this audio was captured. The air was very, very still at this point... Thanks for commenting.

  3. clip number? 4 is wind.

  4. go up to the old hillcrest mine entrance now thats creepy at? night

  5. There are a lot? more haunted places in the Pass aside from the slide area....Hillcrest for example..Not difficult to find a house? with a few spooks in it..

  6. Isn't it something that the people could actually hear the mountain? "talking"? We're planning a return trip this year...

  7. minecraftbuilder124August 23, 2012 at 3:48 PM

    They call it the mountain that walks because the natives said every night it would move slightly but on? night it moved to much and the rocks fell

  8. in the evp#1 it sounds like: please help me?

  9. Maybe the changed road changed other things? too. We do have plans to return though; guess we'll see how things go then. Thanks for stopping by!

  10. I was at Franks Slide in the 70*s and my hair did stand up and I had a eerie feeling. From the old road? you could see the town better. In the 90*s, I was there again and got no eerie feelings and the roadway
    was changed.

  11. o come on i live? in the pass there is nothing strange about it

  12. Yes, it's very different at night, especially around the original townsite. Definitely not a place for the faint of heart or those who might? scare easily...

  13. I've been to the Frank Slide so many of times. I've never felt or seen anything strange out of the ordinary. I have never camped there at night though. Very interesting EVP sound bites. I've always wondered if there's more paranormal activity? there at night.

  14. @GhostlyObsessions Thanks, John. It's definitely one? of the most interesting places we've been to, that's for sure. And we are working on getting back there again very soon. :)

  15. Hi John. Thanks for watching. And OMG yes to the mosquitoes! LOL As to what you heard, thanks so much for sharing with? us. We imagine it probably was hell for those who got caught unaware by the slide. We are making plans for a return trip as soon as we can get back there - no question about it....

  16. First off? great video! Secondly are mosquito not the most annoying/useless bug on earth?!! And I could be wrong but I also believe I heard a very rough voice say "Elsa" or something along those lines and the one clip (EVP#3) sounds like "Hell" and sorry I forget which other one it was with two distinct sayings but they also sounded to me to be "Welcome to Hell".. pause.. "Welcome".. yikes!! I think there are some VERY angry spirits that still haven't come to terms with what happened there..
