
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Extraterrestrial Intruders (Alien Abduction, Alien Agenda).mp4

Allies Briefings 1, 200 Page Report - FREE DOWNLOAD - by Marshall Vian Summers Who is visiting the Earth? What does this mean for humanity? What is the reality of life in the Universe? http alien abduction, alien agenda

True Confessions of Alien Abduction
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  1. That's understandable. It IS hard to believe. However,? there is evidence out there and, in the future, it will become self-evident .. but, as time passes the intervention is integrating and employing further emissaries and advocates, and it will be more difficult to overcome.

  2. I find it? hard to believe that these be

  3. i think love is most important thing.? .we are messed up humans, dont get me wrong.. yes we are.

  4. Like I already said ... we will have to? agree to disagree

  5. they? are not sinister. .you just probably don't get it yet. How come other humans don't have a problem with getting abducted? huh? you see. .so they are not sinister..they are only sinister because you keep fearing them. hey these aliens my family have removed my cancer !, as favor. so? their you go.

  6. they are not sinister. .you just? probably don't get it yet. How come other humans don't have a problem with getting abducted? huh? you see. .so they are not sinister..they are only sinister because you keep fearing them. hey these aliens my family have removed my cancer !, as favor. so their you go.

  7. We will have to agree to disagree. You won't convince me in a million years I'm afraid (please see my channel description)... Yes, there are benevolent alien races. I advocate the Allies Briefings, the Source of which is a group of free, alien races. However ALL ET races that are physically present on and around Earth, at present, are part? of a deceptive and sinister intervention. .but you are, of course, entitled to your opinions and to? your comments.

  8. come on my friend dear you have all kinds of humans.? .like animal dogs you have afraid cats and some are not. .some like to be massaged. and some dont cats dont like to be touch. .thats all it is. those who are panicking just gonna have to deal with it.

  9. Unfortunately, for many? people, abduction is a terrifying ordeal, and an extreme violation of their physical, mental and emotional states and it IS a haunting and sinister 'story'. So, in spite of your personal experiences, or how you may view the same, there is and will be much resistance to, and action against this, and to the intervention that is occurring in our World.. an intervention that is threatening the freedom and sovereignty of the human family.

  10. yes? ok?. .allot of people complain about getting abducted. I am so be? part of the galactic universe. whats the matter with everyone ,I am damn...lucky to be abducted. whats everyone afraid of? get use to it! . .we have to find aliens some time dont we? what are we going to doing hide in cave?? everyone is making it sound like haunting story.i have a hybrid son who i love very much. .i have met all kinds of aliens..amazing. really. i think its the best thing ever happen to my life.

  11. Jewels2012Ascend1111August 27, 2012 at 1:58 AM

    thank you? for expressing this. I will look into it, appreciate your time. take care

  12. Hey, you're? welcome :-). If you enjoyed this video .. you may also enjoy reading the Allies Briefings,? which are available for free download via the link beneath the video. tc

  13. Thank you for taking the time to comment. No, Anna Hayes is not associated with The Allies of Humanity. The Allies of Humanity is not 'New Age'. It is an? education about The Greater Community of Intelligent Life, Empowerment and sovereignty of the individual, and humanity. At their core, the Briefings advocate human sovereignty, as our World emerges into a Greater Reality, constituting Great Waves of Change and negative ET intervention. Briefings 1 is available free download, from my page.

  14. Jewels2012Ascend1111August 27, 2012 at 3:14 AM

    to be honest no I have not read the briefings and did here that they were? New Age on forums so this may be a great mistake of mine. Is Anna Hayes with the Allies of Humanity? I ask because I had a spiritual experience in connection to her, yet many things similar and still some things not similar but nevertheless it was a powerful connection and event that took place in my life, I'm just curious if you have heard of her? take care

  15. Jewels2012Ascend1111August 27, 2012 at 3:46 AM

    they certainly are angelics, they are a form of? angelic, there are many levels to the angelics by the way. They are one of the few races that are not deceptive, they walk with the White Robed Ones and Even Jesus Christ, and the Archangels as well. They are one of the few on our side, The Great Deception is that there is a war between Light and Dark but the world is too busy denying that there is a God to get it. Nor do they wish to know because then they would feel accountability.

  16. Thank you for your comment my friend! You make some very salient and important points. . from experience the 'love / fear' dichotomy groups have been, and are, some of the harshest critics of this? work. . I do believe that some of the new age propaganda .. 'love and light', is used as a tool of the intervention, to foster passivity and acquiescence.

  17. Sarcasm is a very useful tool sometimes but when you affirm? that every family has a superman look,without realizing it you are correct in your assupmtions for Jesus,the Only True Superman has come indeed for every family! However,it is a long time for me to own a car, unfortunately.You need to believe in Love my dear brother, in a Creator God that awaits for your spiritual progress and not in reptilians,for they are real alright as are all the others BUT their INTERVENTION you must resist!

  18. I love your videos Archemis... I think the invervention is a major test on the path to Ascension. One to teach us not to yield to oppression with it shows a friendly face. Those? who haven't found inner balance between their feminine and masculine energies are very susceptible to manipulation when it's sugar coated with "love n' light".

  19. Lol .. :-). Thanks for your comment. The Allies Briefings are available free, at the link below this video. If you believe in 'reptilians', and ET centric stuff, then the Briefings is a good read, and worth adding into the mix.? tc. A

  20. lOL, we all have that superman look in our family" and drive an 89 nissan" Nar just me? gettin paraniod lol.. good 1, but do really believe in reptilians" Its playin old cards' Soon the Truth will heard!

  21. Its clear the government is acting in deny, but continue to slog with a commitment" Never the less" they feel that whatever to come from this" they don't have any say in IT " and there acting in a Devine order" that has been for told" by all nations" and they are doing God's will" AlienkingChrist(lucifer) It's just the Good Old American Way" Its pride" Its strength" Hollywood hero's the Big Dream"? that has clouded" around the sword of Religion" I believe it's time for people really stand up 4!1?

  22. When observing what you are shown by them, remain ALWAYS alert and remember that whatever they promise it is ONLY to keep us in slavery; they are NOT here to help us, they will only make believe? but in truth they are hungry beings, for power and self satisfaction. They have created a way to keep themselves fed by beings like us and the worlds we inhabit and they have interfered with all beings who wish to change and truly ascend to the High Levels of Existence; that's why Jesus came to FREE us!

  23. These beings have great technology,power of persuation and incledible tricks for they exist in higher dimensions.They are here to present battle to God torturing us and we will all witness that unfortunately.They have prepared what is coming since eons and they are cruel brother,I have met with them and I tell you that they will use anything to get their way.They are dinosaurian, crocs,sooo many races that your hair would stand up? for good if you could only have seen what I have seen and learnt.

  24. There are reps who manage the grays;dragons who are high in the hyerarchy. There are humans like us,some earthlings some pleadian,sirian,anunaki and they have had wars over this world,over us;we are nothing but utility or cattle if you like. We were and still are their slave force,they invented money to have us working? as"happy"slaves.Many feed themselves with our pain energies to remain strong in power.Now time is up!Since Jesus came and taught we are FREE to chose and only Love will change us.

  25. I couldn't possibly tell you everything I know here but understand that these beings,illuminati which activities are those you mention and others you don't;have made alliances between them and they ALL respond to the same dark energies that are at the top of their chain command.They exist in a system of a? hive, follow orders without questions and they are ALL working from different angles sort of herding us unto a most controlled, manegeable life and this is the whole idea of their CRUEL NWO.
