
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Ghost Hunting 101: Types of Hauntings

This is the first video in my series for aspiring paranormal investigators. The series will teach you all the basics of ghost hunting theories, techniques, equipment, and investigative techniques. The first entry will cover the three basic types of activity you may encounter in the field.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

GSI are called in to help a family who believe they have paranormal activity within there home, here with their permission are a few snippets from that nights investigation to the final conclusion.
Video Rating: 5 / 5


  1. @pennys1 Go looking at some haunted locations? in your area, you might find something to change your mind. The first time you encounter a ghost will change you, it is a major experience. One reason I am doing this, to open people's eyes to what is really out there. Trust me, ghosts DO exist, and finding them is one of the sweetest, and most frightening, things you can do.

  2. don't believe this shit? but Interesting nonetheless

  3. @crazaysara86 Thanks, maybe one of these days, you will go out looking for the answers yourself. You may find something that will convince you.? That's what happened to me.

  4. I found this very intriguing... I really never believed in paranormal activity and ghosts, but this has definitely captivated? my attention!

  5. Not convinced that ghosts real but? entertaining none-the-less.

  6. Good shit OP, /x/s got yo? back bruh

  7. Thanks? guys! I greatly appreciate the compliments!

  8. OP is? not a fag


  9. OP is most certainly not a? fag.
    Great video.

  10. @messetify Thanks. I plan to make this? series as comprehensive as possible. I am already sorting out the next installment.

  11. This was actually pretty good. I hope the? series will continue as planned! :)

  12. @animefrrtehwin Actually, I brought this to /x/ to get some exposure. Thought there might be one or two sane people on that board that would appreciate the video. Thanks? for checking it out!

  13. sweet? something paranormal came out of /x/ :D

  14. @ramy627 Thanks, I thought? /x/ might be a good stop to get my message out there.

  15. Hi Dom it's Gilly matts mate that came to Northampton if you look at the position of your watch you can clearly see that there is no way it could have been that that had made that light appear on? the door?

  16. Awww hes been scared latly :( (Hes? my cousin)

  17. give the camera man? a cough lolly and some vicks :/
