
Friday, July 27, 2012

The Astrology of February 2012 - For Everyone

Neptune finally enters Pisces. It takes over the entire February composite chart and displays its immense power to transform. We also gain an insight into how Neptune works. The February chart foretells the birth of a global revolutionary spirit. On the individual level, it indicates confused, confusing but liberating experiences. Old patterns, old habits and attitudes dissolve before our eyes - in ourselves and in other people. The future becomes something people in general feel that we need to re-shape, the world something we should reform. Proceed with caution throughout, though; reliable information about anything becomes scarce. Choose words carefully. You could end up saying more than you intended. You could also end up hearing or seeing more than you expected. 99 and 44/100 percent pure original content.
Video Rating: 4 / 5


  1. I simply, and quite honestly, do not have the time to do personal readings these days. Maybe at some point in the future. I don't know. I often suggest that people check out the online services to get started. That way you can get a general idea of what's happening and ask a more focused question? of the generally more expensive real life astrologer.

    I highly recommend yoga and meditation. Meditation is probably the single most important thing a person can do.

  2. Yes, thank you for your insights and taking the time to respond to my concerns. I'm taking it slow, as my good hearted, Chicago Cubbie loving Grandpa likes to say. Going to begin meditating and possibly Yoga classes for the physical.
    Can you recommend a good place to receive an astrological reading, natal chart? I once had my Vedic Jyotish Natal chart/reading done for me back in '99. Or if you do readings, what is your charge for a basic reading for the? year?
    Namaste, much blessings.

  3. Well, from an astrological perspective, you really have to watch your step. Neptune is doing strange and unsettling things with boundaries, perceptions and the contents of our unconscious mind. It's very easy to find yourself? smack in the middle of someone else's drama.

  4. Librans are bearing the brunt of things, imo. I think you? will find things lightening up as the year goes on. Technically, though, late October is a big turning point for Libra. A very big weight will be lifted then. Hope you can wait. Librans will still be on the front lines for some years to come, but they should find the going much easier after October.

  5. Yep. If I may interject (albeit 2-3 months after the fact,? hey, the darkest is just before the dawn, isn't it the saying? ;) I haven't been unemployed for more than 2 or 3 months since 2000. I'm Libra. Feb 8th I had to resign from my workplace. Felt to be coming down like bricks, after holding it all back unconsciously, here it came nearly all at once. I knew I was going to be fired anyhow. Now I'm at the end of my rope, and don't know yet where I'm headed. But I feel liberated. Blessings to NW.

  6. (that was her response, I left it at that and agreed with her.) So, long story short, shortly before we were finished with our business, I casually mentioned "what was the perfume you are wearing?" I happen to have very sensitive sense of smell and hearing, as well as curiosity (always gets that cat, doesn't it? lol) getting the better of me, and we had spoken before, didn't find it out of the ordinary to ask? such a question. Well,that was it. She would file a complaint. I was shaken altogether.

  7. ..cont'd. It was over being to relaxed with a customer, whom I had done business with many times in the past. Firstly, striking up conversation re the weird occultic Madonna half-time Superbowl show, which really got me fired up, I'd say? it was a major stepping stone to begin awakening to the world around me which I had left to my unconscious. The lady's eyes became wild, and I felt a cold, demonic presence, as I mentioned about Madonna's ritual, "oh, its the same old Madonna, yada yada"..lastly

  8. Thank you for your work. Recently was reading through an Ascendant Sign book or another at a book store, and it spoke of what you say here, (I am a Libra), wrt watching what I say and also (w/o watching this video yet, I just completed your May reading, only just now intro'd to your? work and I am grateful) in the workplace especially. Well, I was amazed,after not really paying much attention to astrology in the past, after losing my job of 7 years in early Feb (8th I resigned, to be fired anyhow

  9. yes, this has been a disorienting month. healing and positive - worries dropping off?

  10. You make very? good and interesting videos, dear Carl ... THANK You, I love your Spirit! <3

  11. I'm tempted to say that Librans are almost out of the woods. Emphasis on the "almost". Saturn is? leaving Libra in the fall. However, that will still leave them with the Pluto/Uranus thing in angular signs - and a lot can happen between now and the fall. IMO, Capricorns and Librans should probably buckle down for the long haul.

  12. 1st reponse: astrology is? a case by case affair. I know Capricorns and Librans that are doing fine, thank you. I know some whose lives were turned upside down. 2nd response: are you sure you're getting the whole story? 3rd response: Sagittarians aren't under planetary pressure, really. The worst is over for them. Neptune in the 4th will cause issues, but not compared to Libra's and Capricorn's stuff.

  13. thanks for the great info. it makes? alot of sense to my life right now. things are transforming around me and within myself

  14. :-))) thank you for solving that one ! Neptune is on the go already? ;-)
    Looking forward to March. Thanks again Carl.

  15. OK, I checked that out. That was actually me saying "now." The tone and volume of my voice varies, depending on distance to from the microphone and other assorted? variables. Don't mean to spoil the mystery. I would have been pretty spooked if there was another voice on the video. Thanks for watching. I'm working on March. Some genuinely strange and rare vibes coming up. Not sure what sense to make of them, yet. A true head scratcher.

  16. Dear Carl
    Please? go to 15:25 and listen. Immediately after you say "A potentially messy, highly inefficient process" another voice is heard saying "No".
    I think it must be your spirit guide assisting you. How great is that :-) What a team:-))
    I listen every month. Thank you Carl.

  17. @northwatuppa-Thank you for answering back and your time.?
