
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Does anyone see an increasing amount of "chemtrails" int he sky? Where do you live?

by banpei

Question by yesyou: Does anyone see an increasing amount of "chemtrails" int he sky? Where do you live?
I live in Minnesota and i have seen them for the last 2 months on everyday but 3

Add your own answer in the comments!


  1. Gen. Stiggo [Atheati-in-Chief]January 10, 2012 at 7:51 PM

    There is actually no such thing as chemtrails, so I have never seen any.

  2. I live less than 15 minutes from my airport. Contrails from aircraft are only an indicator of cold wind aloft. I would imagine that is the case in Minnesota this time of year.

  3. They are called condensation trails. I guess you could call them chem trails as they are caused from the heat of the engine warming the air, creating condensation, which is then quickly cooled causing a cloud like trail.

    Nope, don't see more than usual.

  4. Yes, I have noticed a tremendous increase in the amount of chemtrail spraying in my area. I live in Phoenix. They've been spraying here over the last two days. Just this morning I see them creating one of their famous X's in the sky. The whole sky was whited out. It was disgusting, vile. I'm sick of this. I called Air Quality Control in my area and got the "it's water vapor" song and dance. I called her a lying bitch and hung up on her. I called Channel 3 AZfamily news and the lady was very abrupt, but she did confirm that there have been other reports. She quickly got me off the phone. She told me "Bruce would check on it". This is a mass cover up on every level of government and media. We are in some deep shit, my friend. Thanks for being awake. As for the naysayers, it is fear that keeps them in denial.

  5. It's April 7th in Oakland,Ca and it's absolutely insane how many chem trails are covering the sky here. The levels of Aluminum and Barium found in our fresh water and soil is on the order 36 thousand times past what would cause a federal alarm (that threshold is at 1k). Our sky is completely whited's normally clear blue almost all year round. The pH in our soil has become increasingly more neutral vs. it's normally slightly acidic state (I'm a farmer). It seems that the goal is to completely wreck the ability to grow anything naturally and then there's the obvious health effects which are sure to come w/ such heavy toxic chemicals being sprayed non-stop.

  6. My dad was a pilot, I am a pilot. I KNOW chemtrails are REAL. Very, very, very real. Anyone that denies it is either uninformed or hiding their heads in the sand. Wake up people and look up in the sky. I have lived all over the world and I am over 60 years old. I know what contrails look like and what clouds look like. A "cloud" left by CHEMTRAILS is extremely different that a regular cloud and also CONtrails do NOT turn into weird clouds and turn a blue sky milky white. CONtrail disappear they do NOT linger for hours and turn into long wispy clouds. GOT IT?!? Good God people, wake the **** up, they are spraying us like insects. All kinds of chemicals in those chemtrails. Wonder why all the bees are dying? Wonder why Alzheimer's is increasing? Why are all the polar bears losing their fur? They are spraying aluminum, barium and dozens of other chemicals to reduce the population and make the old and weak die off sooner. The planet is running out of food, water and many other resources. They are "culling" the human population. Hey, google H.A.A.R.P. for kicks. Weather modification and weather wars. It's real too. Over 110 tornadoes just yesterday. The warmest March since records have been kept.

  7. Yeah, the ChemTrails have increased in my state 100 fold in the past year. YES, chemtrails are real. The last time I flew across the country, once we got above the clouds we flew through countless chemtrails. You could smell them, I got a migraine. I never get headaches or migraines but that day I did.

  8. I wonder if the nay sayers are getting paid or are they really as stupid as they are making themselves look... Chem trails are real.The Degesch Corp, the very same who were responsible for manufacturing Zyklon b are manufacturing some of the chemicals being used in the spraying today. WAKE UP PEOPLE
