
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

2012 Prophecies of Ancient Aztec Egypt Atlantis Lost Civilizations - 2012 Calendar Prophecies 2012 Calendar Prophecies of Ancient Aztec Egypt Atlantis Advanced Lost Civilizations- - An astronomical hidden code exits within the placing of Egypt pyramids and temples. When decoded, this information pinpoints the location of the labyrinth that is believed to contain artefacts and documents from a civilisation that flourished on a global scale thousand of years ago. In the year 2012, the earth awaits a super catastrophe: its magnetic field will turn over in one go. Phenomenal earthquakes and tidal waves will completely destroy our civilization. Europe and North America will shift thousands of miles northwards and will get a polar climate. Nearly the whole earth's population will perish in the apocalyptical happenings. These predictions stem from the Mayans and Egyptians. They are descendants of the legendary Atlantis, which is buried under the South Pole. The Atlanteans had a highly evolved astronomical knowledge and were able to exactly predict the previous catastrophe in 9792 BC. The Legend of Atlantis comes from the writings of the Greek philosopher Plato in his dialogues Timaeus and Critias around 360BC. In these writings, Plato relates the story of Solon, a Greek philosopher and statesman from about 150 years earlier, who journeyed to Egypt, and there he apparently received the story of an ancient conflict that the Athenians had with an ancient forgotten race from a forgotten island some 9000 ...

History of the Mayan Civilization
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