
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Truly Frightening Ghost Hauntings • Demons and Spirits ^ Evil Beyond the Grave * HD

Ghosts, demons, phantoms & poltergeists. Not meant for little children. Do not watch before going to sleep.


  1. I have some haunted toilet paper? you can use. It's scary.

  2. I've just crapped my pants? :(

  3. Or was it?? Moooohhahahaha

  4. OMG!! HOW, can I sleep now?!! LOL.

    O.K. I just took a sleeping pill. BUT, what if I died in my sleep?!! I can't go to sleep! Noooo!!

    So, I just drank 10 cups of? black coffee. But, I have to go to work in the morning & every one knows how much of a grouch I am when I don't get any sleep.

    What if I died, & some one made a video and put it on YouTube, & it got an award, but I couldn't get it, as I died? See what You started!! (Alarm goes off & I realized it was all a dream. Phew!!)

  5. Some of these are scary some are just soo stupid most dont lool real?

  6. Yeah I've seen all of these and they were all proven fake. I've dealt with? hauntings, so I am a believer but all of these are fake. Made a good little vid of them though! Good job. Also, ghosts aren't evil.

  7. Looks scary but? i dont think some of this is real

  8. You think its fake. My son in laws brother works in the school system. In the summer he was painting a classroom. A girl in antique clothing walked out of the wall, across the room and into the next wall. Two things can occupy the same place at the? same time if they exist at different frequencies.
