
Sunday, June 3, 2012

Q&A: Why do contrails disappear quickly and "chemtrails" spread and last several hours ?

Question by Just Wondering: Why do contrails disappear quickly and "chemtrails" spread and last several hours ?

Please leave your comments!


  1. I think you might have answered your own question. Define disappear. Just because you don't see the water vapour doesn't mean it vanished into thin air ... okay okay, it did, but you know what I mean ;-)

    Just because the chemtrail is still visible doesn't mean the water vapour isn't still there being affected by exactly the same air currents.

  2. chemtrails?? what are you prattling on about? they are ALL contrails. put the tin foil hat down.

  3. There is no such thing as "chemtrails"--its just junk science put out by conspiracy nuts.
