
Friday, March 23, 2012

Astrology Forecast for March 14, 2012

"Life is my teacher, Life is my guide, I must spread my wings in order to fly!" The rapid speed of change and removal of old inhibiting factors may make one want to crawl up in a little ball sometimes. And yet, these are the very times when we truly define our character, our Self, and our Future! Act, don't React ha ha!..... Spread those wings in spite of it all and FLY!
Video Rating: 5 / 5


  1. You're wonderful Tom :) Thank you for? heartfelt wisdom

  2. My Wings are? a-flappin' and there's definitely some funky stuff falling out of my pits. I'm lovin' it though and I am very thankful for your insights. They are so true. Keep on catching the vibes and sharing them with us. Thank you Tom Lescher. Om Mani Padme Hung.

  3. You are truely Amazing dear Tom ! All of this, I Love it as its so True ...Lilith precisely ... Its time for the Dark Goddess to be embtraced again & not feared ! As She is the One who will help us integrate the Divine Feminine & Masculine Energies inside of Us. In Lak`ech.Aum Namah Shivaya. Namaste ?

  4. Thanks Tom
    Im hooked!? you are awesome

  5. hi Tom
    On 23rd of? march 2012 at 19:40UTS true node 6 degee is squareing Chiron 6 degree and opposing Mars 6 degree and squareing True node what will it signify??? 666 The Number of the Beast :)
    Love your reports
    Live, Love,Be xxx

  6. Right on? the money!

  7. Hi Tom, You mentioned Mars grand cross with the moon's nodes opposite Chiron on Sunday and Monday--the nodes sqaring exactly. ? It sounds powerful. What will that signify? Thanks much! Your reports are really appreciated!

  8. whoa? that is deep...very insightful

  9. such excellent advise & received with the love & joy that you are are? & that you give dear soul. Namaste Tom. x Annie (LeeAnn) Hope all are gearing up for the bon voyage eh!

  10. Hahaha ~ I love how you? giggle throughout your report ~

  11. Thankyou!!!!!!!!?

  12. Ho' oponopono, Ho' oponopono, Ho'oponopono... Breath..?

  13. Awesome! Thank? you, love you, Pele, Gaia, Lilith, Mother Sekhmet and Kali Ma! xoxox

  14. dark? feminine energy.... cool

  15. It isreally awesome, You are Awesome! Thank you Tom. <3? xox

  16. thank you! I adore you and the messages you channel - so appreciated? - namaste <3

  17. While I am listening to your words I am? packing to go to Costa Rica, yuahuuu, I am flying,baby. Everything is amazing. Thank you for your confirmation. Namaste. I wonder How does it get any better than this????

  18. Thanks for the confirmation. Helps to know we're all going through this together, Have been flying? higher though. Much love.
