
Thursday, December 22, 2011

Q&A: I don't want to sound crazy but could this be a possible explanation for ghosts?

Question by Zed-0: I don't want to sound crazy but could this be a possible explanation for ghosts?
I thought that ghosts could actually be in the past and we are in the present and it somehow interfears with the present. We can hear them speak when they talk to a relative. They will hear us speak from the future and be afraid. They will move things and it moves it in the future. We will see them but only with the present back ground. And the reason I thought of this. Romby Martin was the 2nd person to be haunted on earth and she heard someone say, "What is this place?" in the exact words, it was what the ghost hunters said in her house. I seen it on the episode. I read a book about her than and it said she was the 2nd person to be haunted. Online it was really hard to find but when I found it, it sounded exactly like their voice. In 1722.
Well I mean sometimes it only interferese with us

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