
Friday, April 26, 2013

Weird Round UFO Sighting Cleveland Ohio 4-22-2013


Breaking News UFO Sighting Cleveland Ohio 4-22-2013.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

UFO Sighting Security Camera Footage Over Troy Michigan


Breaking News UFO Sighting Security Camera Footage Troy Michigan. Don't get left out!!! Subscribe Now For The Best UFO Sightings!!!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Is This Evidence of UFO's Creating Crop Circles?


REAL UFOS Filmed Making CROP CIRCLES in Wiltshire, England 07/27/10

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Is This a Real Ghost Caught on Video at a Spanish Hotel?

by RealMysteryVids

A popular old hotel in Spain had many ghost sightings. The owner did not believe in ghosts and never followed up on the reports. After the owner of the hotel sold it, he looked at the security tapes to remember some of the guests and saw the ghost that so many guests had described.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Monday, April 15, 2013

Iceland's Loch Ness Monster Caught on Video

Story by Jamie Lewis

A video posted online has excited monster hunters in Iceland with apparent proof of the existence of the mythical Icelandic creature Lagarfjots Worm - Iceland's answer to Scotland's Loch Ness Monster.

Cameraman Hjortur Kjerulf captured the giant, icy snake swimming in the Jokulsa í Fljotsdal river, which empties into Lake Lagarfljot.

The Lagarfjots Worm, which is also known as Lagarfljotsormurinn, is first mentioned in sources dating back to 1345AD. According to Nordic legend, it was first a tiny worm which was put on a ring of gold to make the ring grow, Iceland Review explained.

When the owner of the worm returned, she discovered that it had grown enormous but the ring was still the same size as before. In frustration, she threw both the worm and the ring into the lake, where the worm continued to grow even bigger.

Sceptics say the video merely shows a torn fishing net which froze in the river, but the sleek movements of whatever it is that was filmed suggests otherwise.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Haunted Halifax | Canada's Oldest Most Haunted City

Posted by maureenarmour

A brief audition for History Television's upcoming series "It Happened Here," a show that showcases "how the ordinary looking places you drive by everyday have incredible histories to tell.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Crop Circles Debunked? You Decide

Video posted by Jason Thurow

In my opinion, this only explains the very crude crop circles you see from time to time. This doesn't seem to explain the very elaborate, large crop circles that appear over night. What do you think?

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Atlantis: Lost World

Ancient civilizations on the islands of Crete and Santorini, which may have formed the basis for the myth of Atlantis, return to computer-simulated life. The complete Atlantis documentary, studying the palace at Crete, the island of Santorini, and other phenomena which may give clues to the legend of Atlantis.

America's Loch Ness Monster

An investigation of the plesiosaur-like lake monster nicknamed Champ that supposedly lurks in Lake Champlain, dubbed "America's Loch Ness Monster."

Why are Military Helicopters Seen So Frequently Over Crop Circles?

Crop Circles have fascinated and confounded people for years now. No one knows for sure what causes them to form, but many theories are around.

Why are military helicopters seen so frequently over crop circles? Are they investigating or are they actually responsible for the phenomena? Here are several videos for your consideration:

Monday, April 8, 2013

The Quest For Truth about Crop Circles

by UFOTVstudios

"There should be a Pulitzer Prize category specifically created so that filmmakers like Gazecki can be properly recognized." - Roger Ebert

"Original and objective, Filmmaker William Gazecki is one of the finest documentaries of all time." - Sundance Institute

Signs indicate that some form of non-human intelligence is communication with us ... What's the message?

Academy Award (R) nominated documentary filmmaker William Gazecki (Waco: "Rules of Engagement") offers a compelling and provocative look at the mysterious phenomenon of Crop Circles. Full of never-before-seen footage and interviews with leading Crop Circle researchers and scientists, Crop "Circles: Quest For Truth is a fascinating, in-depth exploration of prevailing theories about the origin and nature of Crop Circles and the possible implications for us and Planet Earth. An astonishing experience guaranteed to shift perspectives and alter perceptions of what is real.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Weird Spinning UFO Sighting in Farmington Hills Michigan

Posted by NDestinationUnknown

Strange, spinning and hovering UFO in Farmington Hills Michigan at Grand River by the? freeway entrance